Operating Grant
Operating Grants provide unrestricted funds for health-focused nonprofits based on the budget of the organization.
Request amounts must follow the guidelines based on the size of the agency’s budget (operating expenses) for the most current budget year. Grants are awarded for one-year terms. If your organizational budget is less than $35,000, please contact a member of the program team to discuss potential funding. As a private foundation, our contribution beyond a certain budget percentage may tip a 501(c)(3) public charity into a 501(c)(3) private foundation status with the Internal Revenue Service. Learn more here about tipping.
Strategic Priorities and Applications
Operating Grants are given to support our Strategic Priorities. Click each priority to learn more about our focus in those areas. Deadlines are available here and the grant application for each priority will be available on its webpage.
Only Operating Grant recipients in the Resilient Families and Thriving Communities categories will receive the additional funds for capacity-building.
County Eligibility Criteria
In 2024, we are prioritizing funding outside of Davidson County. Get more detail about that change here and see the chart below for a list of funding that will be provided in the counties that we serve.