The Healing Trust lifts our voices and is taking action to join with others around the world in declaring that Black Lives Matter. We are outraged by the murders of George Floyd,...
Month: January 2025
2020/2021 Grant Changes
We are all in a season of adjustment. As a community, we are adjusting to a world that feels and looks differently than it did a few months back. As individuals, we...
Virtual Healing for the Healer: Preparing for Your At-Home Retreat
One of the programs of The Healing Trust, beyond grantmaking, is our Healing for the Healer retreats. The Trust has offered them since 2008 as a way to say thank you to helping...
We Stand With Black People.
New Self-Care Digest!
What is saving your life right now? Now, more than ever, we need to check-in with ourselves and give ourselves some grace. Read more about how one of our team members is...
Spring Newsletter: Emergency Planning; Mental Health Resources; New Grantees
Life looks a lot different now than it did just last month. Find resources below for navigating this (temporary) new normal, see our newest grantees, and find out what we're...
Mental Health Resources
Taking care of our mental health is critical during these ever-changing times. Check out our updated list of grantee partners and telehealth providers of mental health...
Supporting Our Grantees During the COVID-19 Pandemic
We know these are unprecedented times and understand many of you are on the front lines assisting populations without the resources to navigate this. Thank you for your continued...
Winter Newsletter: Grant Opportunities; A Simpler Grant Application; New Staff
Get the details in our newsletter.
Census Resources and Funding
More than 260 federal programs base their state allocations on census numbers and use this data to plan for transportation, infrastructure, schools, healthcare and more. It...