


EPCP Announcement

The Healing Trust is thrilled to welcome our new Executive Peer Circle Program (EPCP) cohort! These incredible leaders gathered for their first session on January 14th, embarking on a year-long journey of growth, connection, and shared learning.

2024 Annual Report

 In 2024, we demonstrated our commitment to our values through various actions and initiatives. With a focus on impactful grantmaking, The Trust awarded $4.8 million to our partners, supporting vital programs throughout the region. Throughout this report, you’ll encounter powerful stories that highlight the real-world difference these investments make. We invite you to explore these stories and learn more about our work.

Click below to read the full report.


We prioritize nonprofits led by individuals working within communities most impacted by historical disparities, followed by rural applicants, and then all other applicants who don’t fall into these two categories. Applicants outside these groups will be prioritized based on their organizational approach to advancing equity and eliminating health disparities.

Couple washing dishes

Our Commitment to Equity

Learn more about our definition of racial equity, our decision to be explicit about it, and how it is reflected in our work.