The Tennessee Respite Coalition (TRC) supports and advocates for family caregivers. It was established as a grassroots advocacy group in 1996 and evolved into a 501(c)3 service-focused organization in 2003. Its four main areas of service include a toll-free helpline, advocacy, volunteer respite, and respite vouchers. Its mission is to ensure the quality of life for family caregivers through respite. The funds requested in the application will support respite vouchers for family caregivers, staff time and payroll benefits to support the programs, and program-related volunteer travel. After receiving respite, 38 of 47 caregivers (80%) will report lower stress levels. 30 of the 37 (80%) of caregivers using respite vouchers will report receiving respite at 1/3 less of the traditional rate of pay (resulting in increased respite time).