For 34 years, Safe Haven Family Shelter (SHFS) has served as the only shelter-to-housing program in Middle Tennessee that accommodates families experiencing homelessness. SHFS’s mission is “to lead our community’s efforts in order to house, support, empower, and advocate for families experiencing homelessness.” Families receive the following: case management, workforce development, children’s programs and education, individual/group counseling for parents/children, nutrition education and wellness activities, parenting classes, tenant readiness classes, and assistance in obtaining affordable housing. The agency’s goals/outcomes for the year include: 96 of 120 families will sustain housing for 6 months or more; 60 of 120 families will move to a higher income level within 6 months; and 80 percent of families served will report a decreased F-SPDAT score from program entry to departure in the following components: Mental Health, Wellness and Cognitive Functioning, and Physical Health and Wellness.