Established in 1962, Catholic Charities provides services to people throughout Middle Tennessee. The services of Catholic Charities are available to people of every religious, ethnic, cultural, and racial backgrounds. The funds requested in the application will support direct services to support the health and well-being of refugee elders in the form of group programming and case management, including transportation to and from program activities. 15 of 25 (60%) will score in the “healthy” range (blood pressure less than 120/80 & heart rate within the targets identified by the American Heart Association). 15 of 25 (60%) will score in the “healthy” range (a score of 21 or greater) on an adapted version of the Lubben Social Network Scale. 18 of 25 (72%) will show an improvement on a English & U.S. Citizenship practice test after 12 months, with an eventual goal of at least 60% of eligible participants obtaining citizenship within the 7 year threshold for receiving Social Security benefits.